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Kidney excretes impurities in the blood and it adjust body water.
When the kidneys lose the ability, the body accumulates impurities and moisture management is degraded.
It can be state of end-stage renal failure
The causes of end-stage renal failure are diabetes, hypertension, chronic glomerulonephritis.
Difficult to prevent kidney disease and symptoms appear after injury of about 80% renal function.
Kidney transplantation is a surgical operation that the other person's kidney is transplanted into the patient's body
kidney transplantation was successfully implemented in the United States the first time in1954
Kidney transplantation is the major treatment of end-stage renal failure. It has been successfully implemented since 1969.

kidney recipient
-If kidney function decreases less than 15% compared to normal
-If patients do not treatment of dialysis or a kidney transplant, undergo a life-threatening
Living donor kidney transplantation
One of the donor’s kidneys extracts and transplanted in the recipient's abdomen.
Even anyone who has two healthy kidneys removes one of the two that is no trouble in life. Surgery is safe.
Donor should be has normal kidney. If donor has kidney disease, such as high blood pressure, a major bacterial infection, cancer, donor is excluded from the donor list. Between donor and recipient are suitable blood type and tissue type each other. When family of patient donated a kidney to a patient, increases survival rate of kidney