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Additionally, there are several centers such as Health Promotion Center, Cardiovascular Center, Endocrinology and Joslin Diabetes Center, Cerebrovascular Center, Emergency Care Center, Hospital Referral Center, and Clinical Trial Center which manage and care the critical patients. Furthermore, there is the first Trauma Center in Korea.


Gangnam Severance Hospital firstly performed a spinal surgery with chemonucleolysis in 1984 and in 1996, it succeeded the first lung transplantation in Korea, which known as the most difficult transplantation, and it has being succeeded the most so far. Moreover, everyone was surprised in 1999 because it firstly performed cell transplantation to a patient with muscle disease. In 2003, it succeeded the first enterobrosia to a very low birth weight (VLBW) child who was just 630g.Gangnam Severance Hospital utilizes several high-tech systems such as PACS, 3.0T MRI, 64ch CT, and PET for clients’ comforts and accurate diagnoses.


Gangnam Severance Hospital built an annex in September 2005, to become the best hospital which offers a pleasant and comfortable medical environment. It invested about 35 billion to extend 3basement and 9 upper floors. It is about 21,160 square meters and equipped 196 beds. Some special facilities like Cancer Hospital, Spinal Hospital, Dental Hospital, and Health Promotion Center are located at the annex, offering qualified services. It is built for patients and their families to minimize their movements. Gangnam Severance Hospital shows the excellence of the best medical center in Korea, Yonsei University Medical Center and all staffs are trying to make the hospital which can be trusted by patients.

Gangnam Severance Hospital

A distinguished global hospital serving the world


Gangnam Severance Hospital opened in April 1983, by an expansion project of Yonsei University Medical Center, which tried the first Korean modern medicine and led the medical development in Korea. It became a basement of health care delivery system. Gangnam Severance Hospital carried holistic treatments and advanced Yonsei medical services in medical backwoods of Seoul, Gangnam, with the founding philosophy of Yonsei University; love, serve and spirit of Christianity. Also it was welcomed as a service agency of local residents. By generous investments, it improved their health care systems and grew up as an undisputed hospital which orients educations, researches, and treatments. Excellent staffs always research and care patients as to their families.


In addition, they do their best to nurture talents and offer some educations for local practitioners. Gangnam Severance Hospital offers 804 beds and operates 36 divisions including3 specialist hospitals (Cancer Hospital, Spine Hospital, and Dental Hospital) and 3 institutes (The Institute of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Rehabilitation Institute of Muscular Diseases, and The Spine and Spinal Cord Institute). 



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